Successful Candidates CTCB-I Cleanroom & Testing, United Kingdom, 20th June 2013

Professional Certification (Qualified to certify third party cleanrooms)

Name Company  Address
John Heslop Valid8 UK Ltd Clarendon Road Works, Clarendon Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 9SS
Peter McKeon FLOWTECH (WA), 42 Industry St, Malaga, WA, 6090, Australia 42 Industry St, Malaga, WA, 6090, Australia
Colin Power  Envotech Ltd Alderlodge, Crosshaven Hill, Crosshaven,
Co Cork, Ireland
Reuben Visser Flowtech Air Conditioning 1/54 Nealdon Drive, Meadowbrook, Queensland, 4131, Australia

Associate Certification (Qualified to validate and assess in house cleanrooms) 

Name Company Address
Daniel Baxendale Connect 2 Cleanrooms Riverside House,
Forge Lane, Halton, Lancashire,
 Jess Govier  Connect 2 Cleanrooms Forge Lane, Halton, Lancashire,
James Inglis Belfast Health & Social Care Trust Belfast H24 Springhill, Glenarm, Ballymena, Co Antrim, BT44 0AW
Northern Ireland
Tomas Jonkaitis YIT TECHNIKA Naugarduko Str., 102, LT-03160, Vilnius, Lithuania
Jinda Makepayom Affinitech Co Ltd 999/99 Rama 9 Road, Suan Luang, Bangkok, 10250, Thailand
Paddy O'Reilly  University College Cork, Microbiology Dpt  Western Road,
Cork, Ireland
 Graeme Perry  FLOWTECH (WA) 42 Industry St, Malaga, WA, 6090, Australia 
Philip Webster Cleanroom Design & Construction Ltd CDC House, 2 The Stables, Wassell Grove Lane, Hagley, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY9 9JH, UK
 Garry Wilders National Blood Service, NHSBT Liverpool 14 Estury Banks, Speke, Merseyside, UK