Successful Candidates CTCB-I Cleanroom Testing & Certification, Letchworth, UK
Professional Certification (Qualified to certify third party cleanrooms)
Name | Company | Address |
Christopher Ball | Bassaire Ltd | Duncan Road, Park Gate, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 1ZS, UK |
Adam Pringle | Bassaire Ltd | Duncan Road, Park Gate, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 1ZS, UK |
Marcus Johnson | Bassaire Ltd | Duncan Road, Park Gate, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 1ZS, UK |
Jamie Clarke | North Tees Health Authority | Stockton QC Laboratory, University Hospital of North Tees, Hardwick Road, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland, TS19 8PE, UK |
David Jobes | North Tees Health Authority | Stockton QC Laboratory, University Hospital of North Tees, Hardwick Road, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland, TS19 8PE, UK |
Shankar Rajasekaran |
True Aire Concepts Private Ltd | Plot No. 2A, Arjun Nagar, Near Kannan Theater, Off Cholambedu Road, S.M Nagar Post, Thirumullaivoyil, Chennai, 6000062, India |
William Spicer | GE Healthcare | The Grove Centre, White Lion Road, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, HP7 9LL, UK |
Paul Rigby | Envair UK Ltd | York Avenue, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 4HX, UK |
Lewis Ma ka-yui | K-Thorn Engineering. Co. Ltd | Rm 1707, Well Fung Ind. Ctr.,58-76 Ta Chuen Ping Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong |
Associate Certification (Qualified to validate and assess in-house cleanrooms)
Kyle Bennett | NHS Blood and Transplant | Tissue Services, NHSBT Liverpool, 14 Estury Banks, Speke, Merseyside, L24 8RB, UK |
Ramanan Narayanaswamy |
True Aire Concepts Private Ltd | Plot No. 2A, Arjun Nagar, Near Kannan Theater, Off Cholambedu Road, S.M Nagar Post, Thirumullaivoyil, Chennai, 6000062, India |